Living in Dandenong we’re a motley crue of flavors from around the world. We’re known for being the most culturally diverse nest, but yet we’re still calling each other chingas, niggers and wogs (derogatory or not). So whom are we hating on nowadays? , I do wonder. There’s an interesting trend we follow. Believe it or not, we always hate the new guy.
Isn’t that how its always been? When the first European immigrants landed all those moons ago, they certainly didn’t get the red carpet treatment. Next up in line were the refugees from Vietnam , Cambodia, our friends from the Middle East ,war torn western Europe and not to mention Sudan and Nigeria. They came to Australia for all sorts of reasons war, famine … heard it all before? There is a reason, I promise.
It’s fair to say our immigrant forefathers came with piss all, but they bought their language, teachings, culture and, yes my friends, the food, the oh so glorious food.
Black, white, brown, yellow, pink, purple, rainbow, I don’t care what colour your skin is we all eat. We all eat to live and for some we live to eat. Our forefathers all came with recipes of home: pho, chevapi, borsch, hor fun. If you’re thinking what the hell are those? Then its time to try something different the next time you’re out. ‘Eat outside the box’, who knows? You might even like it, heaven forbid. How dare we call ourselves culturally diverse if we’re not even willing to try the food? They’re baby steps to embracing others cultures, not to mention improving our health.
When the million dollar question arises, is it what did we do wrong? Or should it be, what are we doing wrong? So when its time to venture off on our own what is it that we are eating? We are heading towards the golden arches and the smiling Colonel Sanders and his saturated, artery-clogging chicken. Ok, so we are time poor, why does this have to mean a poor diet as well? an So ok I’ll spare you the whole ‘junk food is bad for you’ lecture and say that it’s not only our health that’s at risk, its our culture as well. How many times have you seen someone scrunch up his or her nose at trying something new?
MacDonald’s in most parts of town have literally stood the test of time and watched other family run businesses get squashed under its giant corporate foot. They’re making money off our increasing waistlines and sky rocketing sugar and cholesterol levels. Hey there’s nothing an insulin shot, diet pill and proactive** cant fix. Go to most cafeterias around Dandenong especially in the industrial areas and see what they’re serving up. The usual suspects of course, fried pieces of mystery meat, pies (mystery meat), sausages (mystery meat), chiko rolls, fried dim sim, oh and don’t forget the vegetables the potato chips and ‘onion’ rings. Two doors down at another Café the same deal.
This is what’s selling day in and out and yet we complain about how ‘healthier options’ are more expensive, demand and supply. Our love of fast food has embarrassingly earned us the title of the fattest country, finally something we’ve surpassed the Americans with
Is that our food culture? Sure a burger is great but who wants to meet the cow it came from.
This is us, were ignorant to where our food has come from and with the increasing popularity of GM foods what the hell does seasonal produce mean anyway? We are losing ourselves to the fish and chips, charcoal chicken, red rooster and hungry jacks bandwagon. A whopping 55 % of Dandenong’s inhabitants are born overseas and coming from 150 or so countries we should be ashamed of our eating choices.
Why does eating well come with the stigma of diets? And why does knowing what’s good to eat have to do with being food ‘savvy’ or whatever that’s supposed to mean. There are grey skies ahead if we keep on associating eating well as a ‘class’ privilage. We teach sex education at school because we deem it as an importance to us, why don’t we learn about food?
We’re meant to eat three square meals a day, maybe then we wont be so ignorant towards food and make better choices. Food won’t be so intimidating and strange and might even encourage us to see what our neighbours are having for dinner every night. Keeping an open mind and stomach never seemed to do any harm.
No you wont not find the meat lovers special in the streets of Sicily nor will you find sweet and sour chicken in a local’s home in Beijing. Food has gone through such transformations through out time to suite our changing pallets and declining standards. Ditch the fries and burgers, and if you are that much of a fried food fan, try crispy fried noodle combination, or a falafel or vegetable samosa. At least it has some aspect of authenticity and is made of real vegetables and meat. Support local businesses and protect our culture and keep it running through the generations.
The 60’s are over and long gone the hippies, but tolerance should be everlasting even if it’s only showing it through food. Instead of choosing the drive through option, go down to your local shops and see what there is sample. Sit down, have a meal that takes u longer than five minutes to devour, and that actually requires cutlery. Before you say “ew” to something you’ve never tried before, next time your munching on a quarter pounder, have a think about what the little brown patty is made of. Or the supposed’ chicken’ nuggets from red rooster. Yes friends the truth is scary and disgusting. Do it like Bourdain and have ‘no reservations’ on exploring unchartered waters.
In the words of Mr Lennon lets ‘come together’ (pardon the cheese) they say ignorance is bliss but is it really? How long are we going to sit around and watch our heritages and not to mention health disintegrate right before our eyes? Eating food from our peers countries, be they friend or foe wont be the solution to our long list of problems nor will it bring on world peace and make us all love each other and live in harmony. However it’s not a bad way to start, let’s face it reality is a bitch but prevention is way better than a cure.
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